Category = Entrepreneurship – Page 6

Myth of the Lone Wolf and a Clothespin

Myth of the Lone Wolf Larry Broughton yoogozi

Have you heard of the Myth of the Lone Wolf when it comes to success? Here’s the transcript from the Video found below Hi, I want to share with you an interesting, powerful, and frankly pretty simple visual when it comes to partnerships whether we’re building teams in the business arena or in sports, or […]

3 Tips on Building Leadership with Les McKeown & JJ Ramberg

3 Tips on Building Leadership larry broughton yoogozi leadership motivation inspiration

Great Leadership may be the most important thing to running a successful business. The good news is that most of us can learn how to be a great leader. In this video from MSNBC’s Your Business, JJ Ramberg discusses three tips on how to lead more effectively with Les McKeown, author of Do Lead. Les […]

Using 2014 to Power your 2015

Using 2014 to power your 2015 Larry Broughton yoogozi

This is a great video to learn how to use the FLASHPOINTS daily journal from 2014 to power your 2015. Here’s the transcript from the Video found below Larry Broughton: Welcome back. Hey, I’m blown away, Dave, that we’re at the end of 2014. Oh, my gosh, 2015 is just a whisper away. Dave Braun: […]

Parable of the Pencil

Parable of the Pencil video Larry Broughton yoogozi2

What can a pencil teach us about leadership? You’d be surprised. In this short video you’ll find 5 critical leadership lessons in the parable of the pencil. Parable of the Pencil Transcript I love learning about the timeless principles of leadership and giving the tips wherever I can. I tend to be a little bit […]

To do Great Things, Be a Great Person

Be a Great Person Larry Broughton yoogozi

What does a peach have to do with becoming a great person? Find out in the video and in the text of the video below! Here’s the transcript from the Video found below Hi, I want to take a minute of your time today to share with you a concern that popped up for me […]

Leaders are Readers: LINCHPIN – Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin

Leaders are Readers Linchpin Seth Godin yoogozi

LINCHPIN – Are You Indispensable? By Seth Godin “Brilliant” is an over-used title these days, but marketing guru Seth Godin is definitely someone worthy of such accolades. His 2012 bestseller Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?, follows in the footsteps of his earlier books Purple Cow and Tribes (one of my all-time favorites), by delivering high impact, […]

Are you or someone you know “burning down”? Help from Vicki Norris

Vicki Norris Burning Down Restoring Order yoogozi

Have there been times when you felt your life or business was just burning down? Burning down? If you’ve not faced it yet, hold tight, because you will at some point experience what entrepreneur, author and TV personality, Vicki Norris, describes as her “business just burning down.”  And she’s not alone!  The truth about leadership, […]