Category = Yoogozi – Page 11

The 5 Leadership Keys to Personal & Organizational Growth

5 Leadership Keys to Personal & Organizational Growth larry broughton yoogozi

How do you get family, team members, and key stakeholders to buy-in to your dream of growth and expansion? Business, personal and organizational growth is TOUGH in any environment; and it takes focus, commitment, and a can-do spirit to do so effectively. 5 Leadership Keys Here are five key leadership keys to use when planning for […]

Integrity: How to Walk the Talk

Yoogozi Integrity How to Walk The Talk

Everyone talks the talk. Most folks walk the walk. No one likes to admit they lack it. Without it, motivation is dangerous, relationships turn toxic, and power becomes disastrous.  What is it? Integrity. What would you do if a friend shared a false or hurtful rumor about you, but refused to disclose its source, and […]

3 Tips on Building Leadership with Les McKeown & JJ Ramberg

3 Tips on Building Leadership larry broughton yoogozi leadership motivation inspiration

Great Leadership may be the most important thing to running a successful business. The good news is that most of us can learn how to be a great leader. In this video from MSNBC’s Your Business, JJ Ramberg discusses three tips on how to lead more effectively with Les McKeown, author of Do Lead. Les […]

Using FLASHPOINTS for achievers daily journal to have your best year ever in 2015

Using FLASHPOINTS for achievers to have your best year ever in 2015 Larry Broughton yoogozi

Learn how to use the FLASHPOINTS for achievers daily journal to have your best year ever in 2015. Here’s the transcript from the Video found below Larry Broughton: Hi, I’m Larry Broughton and I’m the author of FLASHPOINTS for Achievers. I’m here with Dave Braun and we’re doing a few recordings today to help us […]

Using 2014 to Power your 2015

Using 2014 to power your 2015 Larry Broughton yoogozi

This is a great video to learn how to use the FLASHPOINTS daily journal from 2014 to power your 2015. Here’s the transcript from the Video found below Larry Broughton: Welcome back. Hey, I’m blown away, Dave, that we’re at the end of 2014. Oh, my gosh, 2015 is just a whisper away. Dave Braun: […]

Parable of the Pencil

Parable of the Pencil video Larry Broughton yoogozi2

What can a pencil teach us about leadership? You’d be surprised. In this short video you’ll find 5 critical leadership lessons in the parable of the pencil. Parable of the Pencil Transcript I love learning about the timeless principles of leadership and giving the tips wherever I can. I tend to be a little bit […]

Why You Shouldn’t Wish for Perfect Conditions

Why You Shouldn't Wish for Perfect Conditions Larry Broughton yoogozi

It might seem strange at first thought that you shouldn’t wish for perfect conditions. Why? Find out in the video and in the text of the video below! Here’s the transcript from the Video found below Hey, I want to talk to you today about just how absolutely boring perfection can be. It might sound […]