Category = Marketing – Page 2

3 Critical Insights on Your Plan B

3 Critical Insights on Your Plan B yoogozi

No plan, especially a Plan B, survives contact with the enemy! So, stop waiting for the perfect team member, flawless marketing plan, or ideal market conditions. I was recently asked, by a young woman, during a Q&A session if it’s “better to have an ‘A-Team’ with a ‘B-Plan’, or a ‘B-Team’ with an ‘A-Plan.’” At […]

Core Values can be meaningless. Are yours?

Core Values can be meaningless Are yours yoogozi article

While doing some research with a past client I stumbled on an article on Core Values by Michel Hogan on the website. It really hit home with me because I’m such a big believer that a brand is truly a product or service personified. The truth is, enduring brands are propped up and supported […]

If You Make Any of These Six Business Plan Mistakes, You’ll Regret It!

Having a business plan is essential to the success of any venture. The trick, however, is doing it right, and avoiding the rockets, darts and snares that can leave us sidelined if we’re not prepared. Here are the top six business plan mistakes I see entrepreneurs and business owners making with their business plans time […]

Kim Sudhalter: My 3 Pointers for Making Your PR Agency Work For You

Kim Sudhalter: My 3 Pointers for Making Your PR Agency Work For You

How To Put The Love Back Into Your Agency-Client Relationship How many times have you heard a business owner complain, “I just hate my PR agency! I pay them ungodly amounts of money every month and never see any results. I gotta find someone new!” These people seem to go through agencies like potential mates, […]

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE. Why You Really Can’t Have It All

Mission Impossible. Why you really can't have it all.

OK, so it’s our nature as high achievers to want it all. As a consumer, we want stellar services and products, we want them cheap, and we want them NOW! As young leaders, aspiring entrepreneurs, or rookie business owners, we really want to meet all those expectations. Is this really Mission: Impossible? Here’s the rub: […]

Is Integrity Dead in America?

Is Integrity Dead in America?

3 Ethical Elements to Consider Before Answering the Integrity Question With ethical lapses in every nook and cranny of society occurring just about every other second these days…it’s a fair question. From politicians that shamelessly lie (but keep getting elected) to careless business leaders who bankrupt their own companies (but still walk away with their […]

Ideas Are Worthless

Ideas are Worthless

Ideas are all around us. We can channel them rather easily if we stay attuned to their clues and patterns. I’ve learned from trial and error that good ideas are often born from bad ideas and failure…they come from divergent thoughts and other points of view. Ideas Are Worthless? Well, follow me on this.  It’s […]