Category = 3s – Page 2

Deanna Won: My 3 Lessons in Courageous Decision-Making

How do you gain the courage to make those truly tough decisions in life? Before you can successfully make those decisions, how do you gain the inner awareness to become authentically who you are? How do you learn to truly love and accept yourself and where you are in life? How do you experience peace […]

Dave Braun: My 3 tips on How to choose books to read

There are so many books out there to help you in your business and life. Which leads to an important question: How to choose books to read, given limited time and mental energy? According to one of the most recent Bowker Reports, more than 700,000 books were self-published in the U.S. in 2015! That amounts […]

Kim Bischoff: My Top 3 Tips for Creating a Great Company Website

As a sales writer and online marketer, I see a lot of websites. Some websites really connect with customers, drive sales, and keep people coming back. But too many websites just sit there without generating any interest or sales. Your company website is your 24/7 salesperson, so getting it right is the difference between growing […]

Larry Broughton on Hotel Interactive Podcast: The Leadership Gap

Recently, Larry was featured on Hotel Interactive. He answered some very interesting questions that will enlighten leaders on how to develop a better organization. According to statistics, 70% of the American Workforce is disengaged or actively disengaged. There are primary leaders who struggle in a secondary leadership role. And there are many workers who go […]

Keith Baldwin: My 3 favorite tips for building strengths based teams

Keith Baldwin My 3 favorite tips for building strengths based teams

The world’s best managers learn how to identify and bring out the unique strengths of each team member and then focus the collective strengths of their team towards business goals. Entrepreneurs often tell me that a strengths-based approach seems soft. It’s not. It takes an investment in time and energy to help team members see, […]

Dave Braun: My 3 Steps for How to Learn Anything

Dave Braun My 3 Steps for How to Learn Anything yoogozi

In our fast paced world those that can adapt are the ones that thrive; and to adapt means to learn. As leaders and entrepreneurs, learning is HUGE in keeping us on the cutting edge of our industry, life, and relationships. I’m lucky. My number one strength, from the Strengthsfinder 2.0 evaluation, is LEARNER. So, I’ve […]

Larry Broughton: My 3 Top Tips To Boost Productivity

High achievers are way too often like little kittens: we’re easily excited and distracted by the latest bright, shiny object, which can lead to piss poor productivity. Life can often get overwhelming for high achievers and entrepreneurs, and we all seem to be pursuing the perfect work-life balance. The secret, though, takes a lot more […]