How To Get Key Stakeholders to Support Your Goals & Dreams

Actively pursuing our goals, pushing the envelope, and driving towards expansion are TOUGH in any environment, and often takes an “all hands on deck” approach to do so effectively.

How To Get Key Stakeholders to Support Your Goals & Dreams

I recently had the opportunity to speak on this topic to 800+ southern California CEOs and executives. Here are three considerations I discussed about growth, goals and achievement:

1. Our Subconscious May Be Sabotaging Our Efforts. Not that I’m a psychologist (nor do I play one on TV), but I understand that one of the primary functions of our subconscious mind is to keep us safe.  We may find it easier to wear an emotional mask to protect ourselves from the possibility of disappointment. Or, this may means that our dreams of growth/expansion may clash with the hidden desire of our subconscious (or that of our team members, family members, and friends) to keep us “safe” and maintain the status quo.  This is a key reason why it’s critical to surround ourselves with people who are bolder and brighter than we are to help power a leap forward towards our goals, or in our business.  Without that positive energy, it can be very challenging to shift into growth mode. Lean on strategic advisors and key team member who also see a path forward to grow/expand.

2. Shift To “Heart Power.” Most people are familiar with horsepower, a measurement of output by engines from lawnmowers to jets…but, what about “heart power?”  Simply put, “heart power” is the ability to inspire others, to create a compelling “call-to-action” that entices people to leap out of their seats and charge into the fray.  One of the primary reason those closest to us may not get behind our plans for business growth is that we haven’t yet painted a vivid picture of what that growth will look like and what kind of positive impact it will create on team members, clients, and other stakeholders.  As leaders, we must be able to effectively harness “heart power” to fuel the growth engine of our ventures.  Remember, without vision, the people will perish. (Proverbs 29:18)

3. Cut Out The Negative. Assuming you have a clear vision for growth and have surrounded yourself with some team members/advisors who are bolder and brighter than you, there’s one more step you must take.  Unfortunately, sometimes those closest to us are also the ones who give us the most negative flak about our goals of high achievement or success.  While they’re often well meaning and just don’t want to see us take too many risks and “get hurt,” continued negativity can be very draining to deal with.  As the late personal development guru Jim Rohn often said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”  As a result, you may have to limit contact with people who are actively trying to sabotage your success or prevent you from moving forward.  It can be tough to do…especially if they’re close friends or family members. Sometimes, however, it just has to be done!

Which of these three considerations for your stakeholders most resonates with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below.

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