Category = Motivation – Page 4

Kim Bischoff: My Top 3 Tips for Creating a Great Company Website

As a sales writer and online marketer, I see a lot of websites. Some websites really connect with customers, drive sales, and keep people coming back. But too many websites just sit there without generating any interest or sales. Your company website is your 24/7 salesperson, so getting it right is the difference between growing […]

Are You a New Entrepreneur? Do NOT do these 5 Things!

Starting your own business is simultaneously nerve-wracking and exciting. It’s a good thing to be excited and eager if you’re going to start a new business, but you need to be prepared for things that might go wrong. A lot of new businesses fail because their newbie owners simply didn’t think things through beforehand. With […]

Gratitude: A Proven and Easy Way to Improve Yourself

Have you ever been forced to work with, or be around a dour and pessimistic person? It’s not a very fun or attractive experience, is it? Don’t be that person! Most top performing leaders and entrepreneurs have developed the habit of planning for the worst-case scenario for their teams or organization. But few of us actually […]

Are Your Mornings hurting or helping You?

Every morning, the sun rises in the east and illuminates a new day. The world begins anew…and so do you! Given that gentle reminder, what have you been doing with your mornings (your first opportunity every day to make a difference)?

6 Important Keys to a Successful Startup Launch

A small business founder may dream of an entrepreneurial paradise staffed by top talent who will be well-paid and whose long-term allegiance will be secured by perks, such as sabbaticals, nap pods, massage chairs and on-site gyms. But it takes more than an enduring fantasy to transform an entrepreneurial vision to a startup that has […]

Brian Goodell Olympic Gold Medalist: Golden Guidelines for Using Effective Affirmations

I’ve had the good fortune to work with some amazing people in my life including some of the greatest coaches and athletes in the world.   Of all the mental toughness techniques I’ve learned, the guidelines below represent a small but very powerful piece of the puzzle of how we can literally change our minds to be more […]

5 Smart and Proven Ways Leaders Sharpen Their Minds

As a leader, your mind is your powerful tool. Your muscles won’t help you figure out what your target market is, or how you should innovate your product. It’s up to your brain to get things done, so it’s in your best interest to keep it sharp and flexible.