Category = Inspiration – Page 7

Inspirational Video: If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived

Inspirational Video If you've never failed, you've never lived yoogozi

This is a short inspirational video that is extremely popular by virtue of over 5 million views. You may have seen it before, but it’s worth viewing again and again. It gives so many examples of those that have overcome defeat, failure, and a host of difficulties to go on to succeed. They had an […]

Larry Broughton: My 3 Top Tips To Boost Productivity

High achievers are way too often like little kittens: we’re easily excited and distracted by the latest bright, shiny object, which can lead to piss poor productivity. Life can often get overwhelming for high achievers and entrepreneurs, and we all seem to be pursuing the perfect work-life balance. The secret, though, takes a lot more […]

5 Critical Strategies to Create an Extraordinary Life & Business

5 Critical Strategies to Create an Extraordinary Life & Business yoogozi article

If you’ve been on the leadership path to success and high achievement for any longer than just a few months you’ve probably recognized there’s going to be significant detours and distractions on the journey. After experiencing my own ups and downs in business & entrepreneurship, and then comparing war stories to other high achievers, I’ve […]

Inspirational Video: 20 Things We Should Say More Often

Inspirational Video 20 Things We Should Say More Often yoogozi

Sure, we already know what we’re supposed to say! Sometimes, we just need a little reminder. I do it more often than I want to admit, and I see it happen to others more often than it should. We get so wrapped up in our days, so focused on our own lives, that we forget […]

Alli Ferguson: My 3 Powerful Secrets to Creating Lasting Happiness

My 3 Alli Ferguson happiness for a lifetime yoogozi

For far too many of us, happiness seems elusive and we’ve learned to simply accept the dull, ho-hum existence of just getting by. These are the 3 principles that I’ve found are the most powerful to lay the foundation on which to build a monument of happiness for a lifetime. Defining Happiness “Happiness” is that […]

Inspirational Video: Sleeping on Strangers

Inspirational Video Sleeping on Strangers

Come on, admit it! Like me, you’ve fallen asleep on the bus, plane or subway at some point in your life. I spent a week in New York City this summer on vacation with the kids. It was the first time there for the kids; so one of the highlights for my son was riding […]

Stop Pouting. Take Action. Be Happy!

Stop Pouting Take Action Be Happy yoogozi article

Do you have prickly, grouchy people in your life? If you aren’t able to quickly identify folks like that in your life…are you, perhaps, one of them?  Hey, I admit it. I’m a recovering grumpy puff…and I fall off the wagon once in a while and revert back to my old ways. Seriously, I’m sure […]