Larry Broughton on Hotel Interactive Podcast: The Leadership Gap
Recently, Larry was featured on Hotel Interactive. He answered some very interesting questions that will enlighten leaders on how to develop a better organization.
According to statistics, 70% of the American Workforce is disengaged or actively disengaged.
There are primary leaders who struggle in a secondary leadership role. And there are many workers who go to work, not to contribute their skills, but to grind out work simply for the sake of a paycheck. These type of employees are cancerous to any organization.
Are these employees hopeless? No!
Is it possible to help them professionally develop? Yes!
As leaders, we can develop our team into a significant asset to the company by assessing their skills, learning what their strengths are, and letting them perform based on those strengths.
This way, the team will be able to work in their fullest potential. Thus, creating a direct improvement to the whole organization.

(To Listen to the whole podcast episode, Click on either of the images above)