The 5 Leadership Keys to Personal & Organizational Growth

How do you get family, team members, and key stakeholders to buy-in to your dream of growth and expansion?

5 Leadership Keys to Personal & Organizational Growth larry broughton yoogozi

Business, personal and organizational growth is TOUGH in any environment; and it takes focus, commitment, and a can-do spirit to do so effectively.

5 Leadership Keys

Here are five key leadership keys to use when planning for both personal and professional growth during the coming year:

  • Your Subconscious Sabotaging Your Efforts: Now, I’m no psychologist (nor do I play one on TV), but one of the primary functions of our subconscious mind is to keep us safe.  Often, this means that our dreams of growth/expansion may clash with the hidden desire of our subconscious (or that of our team members, family members, and friends) to keep us “safe” and maintain the status quo.  This is a key reason that it’s critical to surround ourselves with people who are bolder and brighter than we are to help power a leap forward.  Without that supportive energy, and belief in our potential, it can be very challenging to shift into growth mode. Lean on strategic advisors and key team members that also see a path forward to grow and expand.
  • Shift To “Heart Power”:  Most people are familiar with horsepower; the measurement of output by engines, from lawnmowers to jets…but what about “heart power?”  Simply put, “heart power” is the ability to inspire others, to create a compelling “call-to-action” that entices people to leap out of their seats and charge into the fray.  One of the primary reasons those closest to us may not get behind our plans for growth is that we haven’t yet painted a vivid picture of what that growth will look like and what kind of positive impact it will create on team members, clients, and other stake-holders.  As leaders and high achievers, we must be able to effectively harness “heart power” to fuel the growth engine of our ventures.  Remember, without vision, the people will perish (Proverbs 29:18). Click here to learn more about Heart Power.
  • Communicate The Vision: The goals of leaders and high achievers change from time to time as we get closer to our fullest potential and awaken to the fact that we’ve self-imposed limits on our own capabilities. As our vision expands for our lives and ventures, some folks in our sphere of influence will become frightened (as the new vision is not what they signed up for; or they don’t think they can keep up; or they simply don’t agree with the new direction), while others will become inspired and embrace the challenge of being stretched to new heights. No matter the situation, now is the time to communicate with key stakeholders about our new vision, new standards, new expectations; as well as the anticipated consequences, rewards, and impact of expanded horizons. This could mean excitement, opportunity and growth for some, and or a new home for others.
  • Coach ‘em Up, Or Coach ‘em Out: Once we’ve communicated our vision for growth, expansion, improved standards, and increased expectations, it’s critical we re-assess whether our current team members have the capacity to contribute or keep up with our plan. Assuming we’ve surrounded ourselves with people who are highly motivated, and possess a boatload of integrity, the lack of capacity to grow (and change) with us may be the one thing that drives people out the door. As leaders, we have a duty to coach team members towards their fullest potential; if however, they simply lack the ability to keep up, we have a moral obligation to ourselves, and our high-performing team members, to coach them out of the organization. By coaching them out, I mean we must (in a humane, supportive, dignified and respectful manner) set them free to seek other opportunities outside our organizations.
  • Cut Out The Negative: Assuming we have a clear vision for growth and have surrounded ourselves with team members and advisors who are bolder and brighter, there’s one more step we may have to take.  Unfortunately, sometimes those closest to us are also the most vocal naysayers, and offer the most negative flak about our dreams of growth.  While they’re often well meaning and just don’t want to see us take too many risks and “get hurt,” continued negativity can be very draining to deal with.  As the late great personal development guru Jim Rohn often said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”  As a result, we may have to limit contact with people who are actively trying to sabotage our success or prevent us from moving forward.  It can be tough to do…especially if they are key team members, close family, or friends…but sometimes it just has to be done!

Personal and organizational growth can be downright painful…but take heart my friends, like building any muscle, increased health is waiting for us on the other side of the discomfort.

Remember this, when we stop growing, we start dying.

Have you been part of, or experienced significant personal or organizational growth in your life. What was that experience like? Can you relate to any of the points made above? I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below.

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